Wedding Hairstyles to Suit Any Headpiece

Wedding Hairstyles to Suit Any Headpiece

Choosing a hairstyle for your wedding can be tough, it's your big day and you want everything to be perfect so you must make sure you make the right decision before settling on one style.

If you're having a hard time choosing, there are some helpful hints that can help you narrow down your choices. The style of your headpiece and veil will help to determine what hairstyle will work best for your big day.

Those who like to keep it simple and are opting for no bridal headpiece or just a simple veil can choose almost any style. Up or down will depend on your personal preference and the style of dress you have, however keeping is simple and neat is a great idea if you want to stay with the minimal look.

Loose curls or a sleek, simple updo are a lovely choice for the minimalist bride and both these styles will look lovely and elegant with or without a veil. If your veil needs to be clipped into your hair, you may also wish to go for a half-up, half-down look to ensure it has something to anchor to.

Brides who love the whimsical look of a flower crown may wish to let their hair stay free-flowing. Loose curls or waves are perfect for this and allow the crown to take centre stage. This gives a beautiful, fairy-like look and is a more relaxed but still pretty hairdo.

If you have a halo tiara or crown, choosing an updo that allows the tiara to sit proudly in place will look best. Many choose to go for an updo that sits to the back of their head with shape and volume, sometimes with a few stray curls dangling down.

This frames the tiara and ensures it looks like part of your hairstyle, instead of simply sitting on top of your head. Depending on the size of your crown, you may wish to add more or less volume to your hair so neither your hair or tiara is overwhelmed.

A long veil that covers the hair means you may want to choose something pretty, elegant and simple. This ensures the veil does not disrupt the hairstyle and can still sit properly atop your head without the hair causing it to look misshapen.

However, it is important to consider that your veil may not stay on for the entire event. Many brides choose to ditch their veil after the ceremony. This means you can still choose an elegant style that you can show off once the veil is removed.

Brides option for a hairpiece that sits only on one side of the head may choose to have an updo, or half updo, that allows their hair to tumble gently over one shoulder. This enables the hairpiece to shine and still gives you the option of having long, flowing locks if you desire.

While certain styles tend to look better with certain headpieces, it is important to remember that this is your big day and you can choose whatever style makes you feel the most beautiful.

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